Saturday 2 June 2007

Pics from Kobenhavn

Danish pastries in Denmark! Yummy

We were in town for the Whitsun Carnival. It was one big street parade with music and dancing. It was raining but the dancers didn't really seem to care.

Mel & Alisha at Wagamamma's in the Tivoli amusement park.

So this is what £55 pounds get you in Copenhagen. A single bed, basin and a communal toilet/shower. We certainly were slumming it.

The little mermaid. Apparently in the past, some vandals have sawed her head off! Now there is CCTV to catch anyone doing a dodgy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

slumming it in København? No way, I was going to say it looks nice! haha it's probably better than student dorms in Amsterdam. I heard that one of our apartment blocks in A'dam are shipping containers! And another looks like a padded cell from a psychiatric home. haha