Tuesday 17 July 2007


13-15 July 2007.

The best part about being in London is being able to go travelling on the weekend. We visited Stockholm (in Sweden). Sweden...the home of Volvos, IKEA, ABBA and vikings! I went with a group of 10 Aussies which was heaps of fun. Thanks Hien for being a great tour guide!

Interesting facts:
-Everywhere you go, there are unisex toilets

These rabbits were in the Skansen open air museum. They are so hairy and have really long facial hair!

This was such a weird window that I had to take a photo.

Mel in front of the Parliament House.

Plenty of Volvo drivers in this country!

Military marching band. Check out their cool hats!

The gals: June, Mel, Hien, Mimi. Pic was taken near the Old Town.

Mel in front of the Vasa Ship.

The blokes doing a Chopper Read pose in front of the Chinese Pavilion: Gary, Michael, Dave, Rob. We didn't think the pavilion was very Chinese looking.

Mel in front of the Royal palace where King Carl Gustav resides.

Mel & Mimi on a ferry.

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