Monday 9 July 2007

Little J comes to London

Little J came to visit me in London this week. We had lots of fun and coincidentally went to Covent Garden almost everyday.

Here are some of the highlights
Mon - J was jetlagged so we stayed at home
Tue - dinner at a french restaurant in Covent Garden. J had a really nice risotto. It was really nice, because I don't really like risotto.
Wed - Thai for dinner followed by Chicago the musical
Thur - Indian at Covent Garden with J's mate Vicky who was also visiting London.
Fri - we went to Belgo Centraal for some belgian beer (strawberry flavoured) and fries with mayo.
Sat - Camden markets. Dinner at a Thai restaurant with Wilson who popped into london on his way to NYC!
Sun - we woke up at the crack of dawn (well not quite...the sun rises at 4.30am but we had to get up pretty early for a Sunday morning!) so that Janice could catch her plane to Stockholm

Fri's dinner at Belgo Centraal, a belgian restaurant with many different types of fruit beer, mussels, lobster, fries with mayonaise and awesome desserts. Mel, Michael, Alisha, Mimi, Rob, Janice.

At a pub in covent garden

The same pub in covent garden

At Thomas' architecture graduation exhibition.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for having me Mel!