Thursday 10 May 2007

Chip Sandwiches...well almost

Yesterday (Wed), I had lunch at a cafe in one of the Department stores (on Oxford St - the main shopping strip). I have now been in London for over 2 weeks and haven't really had much true English food. So for lunch I ordered an afternoon tea set which comprised of 2 massive scones with cream and jam, a cup of tea and some smoked salmon sandwiches. When the sandwiches came out, I got 4 small triangles of smoked salmon sandwiches but served on the side were some potato crisps! I heard it was very english to have crisps with your sandwiches. I just thought it was strange haha. Well, it brought back memories when I was in primary school where my friend Helen Barker in grade 6 always had chip sandwiches. I always wanted to swap my sandwiches with her because chip sandwiches were awesome!

Sorry, I forgot to bring my camera cable. Will upload a pic of the scones later.

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