Monday 30 April 2007

Life without Teevo (aka TV)

G'day folks
In the last week, I've made the trek out to Zone 3 (out of 6) to visit various friends. I caught up with Nick & Steve in Colliers Wood which is quite close to Wimbledon! They have only just moved into their place so only have basic furniture and of course no TV.

Then on Sat night I took the overland train to Hither Green to visit Wei Ai & Sandro. Again they have only just moved in and don't have a TV either!

I don't have tv in my room either.

So what do you do without TV? Simply enjoy each others company and talk nonsense! haha Nick & Steve went to the local Op shop to buy a board game called Countdown. I think it is a gameshow that is big over here. Steve also went out to buy the deluxe version of Monopoly. The new monopoly doesnt have any cash! All transactions are done by Visa card. Also the property prices have shot up enormously. Everything is in millions of pounds. Every time you pass go, you collect 2 million pounds!!

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