Wednesday 25 April 2007

G'day from London

I arrived in London at 6am, after they fed us breakfast on the plane at 3am. Typical of London, the weather was cloudy and drizzly. But it turned out to be a beatiful day.

My first impressions of London are great! It is exactly like the postcards. I am slowly ticking off all the streets on the Monopoly board. So far I've visited Regent St, Mayfair, the Strand etc.

Last night I met up with Shaheen. She gave me a quick tour of the area. We had drinks & dinner in Covent Gardens. The city is so alive at night (compared to Melbourne). I got home at midnight and was out like a light.

Luckily, I haven't had any signs of jetlag as yet, although I did wake up at 4.30am but managed to go back to sleep until 9.30am when the phone rang. It was the family calling from home.

I've been navigating around London on the tube, which is quite easy. The buses are a bit more challenging because I have no idea where the bus stops are, but I managed to get home last night before the bus turned into a pumpkin (only just).

I expected London to be busy and crowded like Hong Kong. London is a busy city but at least there is room to breathe.

Tonight I'm meeting up with some ex-BDO boys, Steve & Nick. I think we are going to a pub to watch the cricket.

Gotta go and do some touristy stuff.

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