Monday 30 April 2007

Life without Teevo (aka TV)

G'day folks
In the last week, I've made the trek out to Zone 3 (out of 6) to visit various friends. I caught up with Nick & Steve in Colliers Wood which is quite close to Wimbledon! They have only just moved into their place so only have basic furniture and of course no TV.

Then on Sat night I took the overland train to Hither Green to visit Wei Ai & Sandro. Again they have only just moved in and don't have a TV either!

I don't have tv in my room either.

So what do you do without TV? Simply enjoy each others company and talk nonsense! haha Nick & Steve went to the local Op shop to buy a board game called Countdown. I think it is a gameshow that is big over here. Steve also went out to buy the deluxe version of Monopoly. The new monopoly doesnt have any cash! All transactions are done by Visa card. Also the property prices have shot up enormously. Everything is in millions of pounds. Every time you pass go, you collect 2 million pounds!!

Wednesday 25 April 2007

G'day from London

I arrived in London at 6am, after they fed us breakfast on the plane at 3am. Typical of London, the weather was cloudy and drizzly. But it turned out to be a beatiful day.

My first impressions of London are great! It is exactly like the postcards. I am slowly ticking off all the streets on the Monopoly board. So far I've visited Regent St, Mayfair, the Strand etc.

Last night I met up with Shaheen. She gave me a quick tour of the area. We had drinks & dinner in Covent Gardens. The city is so alive at night (compared to Melbourne). I got home at midnight and was out like a light.

Luckily, I haven't had any signs of jetlag as yet, although I did wake up at 4.30am but managed to go back to sleep until 9.30am when the phone rang. It was the family calling from home.

I've been navigating around London on the tube, which is quite easy. The buses are a bit more challenging because I have no idea where the bus stops are, but I managed to get home last night before the bus turned into a pumpkin (only just).

I expected London to be busy and crowded like Hong Kong. London is a busy city but at least there is room to breathe.

Tonight I'm meeting up with some ex-BDO boys, Steve & Nick. I think we are going to a pub to watch the cricket.

Gotta go and do some touristy stuff.

What The!...only in Singapore

Hi folks, My first stop was Singapore. I spent the weekend with Kerry and we did the usual: eat, shop, eat...& facial. On Saturday, we popped in to see Audrey's new baby Daniel. He was very cute with chubby little cheeks, and only 2 months old. We had an outdoor BBQ dinner at Audrey's place. The dining table was set up outside their front door, right near the lift. It's a bit hard to explain but maybe I can post some pics later. Then on Sunday, whilst browsing the Singapore's version of the Herald Sun, there was this Singaporean couple posing for their wedding a Bakers Delight store! What The! Kerry and I were certain that it was definitely Bakers Delight because we could see all the cheesymite scrolls in the background! haha

Sunday 15 April 2007

The count down...

G'day Folks!
Welcome to my blog.
Stay tuned...