Friday 24 July 2009

Alaska by cruise ship

15-22 July 2009

Shannon, Jaime and I wanted a no fuss relaxing holiday. We booked ourselves on a week long cruise to Alaska.

Here are the highlights:

  • Coming back to the room after dinner to find a new towel animal on the bed (the highlight of every day!)

  • Amazing scenery - mountains, glaciers and small icebergs

  • Tea and scones for afternoon tea

  • fine dining every night (and now I need to go on a diet!)

  • Seeing whales along the way

  • Meeting some cute grandmas. One of them was a spanish granny from Barcelona who stays in hostels. Another 2 asian grannies we met at afternoon tea - I asked them how they knew each other. To my surprise, they were sisters - they didn't look alike and one had an American accent and the other had a British accent.

  • maybe not a highlight for the passenger, but we witnessed a fellow passenger being evacuated by stretcher and winched up by a helicopter after he suffered a heart attack

  • the waffle station at the breakfast buffet

and the lowlights:

  • Getting sea sick on the second formal night. The seas were a little rough that night and I just couldn't stomach any food that night. I ordered the 'surf and turf' as my main which was a beautiful piece of filet mignon with a lobster tail. I literally only had one bite.

  • Overkill on the Purrell hand sanitizer. ok ok... I know swine flu is a serious problem, but it is really that necessary to put a million Purrell hand sanitizers on the ship? We even had to sanitize our hands when boarding the ship at every port and even the Captain gave us gentle reminders to wash our hands.
We had a fabulous time and really enjoyed the 'cruise' experience. It was even better that I could walk home from the Vancouver cruise ship terminal!

A picture of me on a Summer's day in alaska wearing beanie and ski jacket. See the small icebergs in the background!

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