Saturday 26 January 2008

Happpy Aussie Day!

Happy Australia Day!

On Thursday, Rach, Hettie & I had a girls outing to Costco. Unfortunately our shopping was limited to what we could carry. I came across some Australian Lamb and was quite excited because my local supermarket only sells kiwi lamb.

Sam Kekovich will be proud! Eat Aussie lamb on Australia Day...hehehe

Thursday 24 January 2008

Golf is out of the question

Last weekend, I went past the golf course on my way to UBC. The whole course was covered in snow and then it suddenly occurred to me that golf would be completely out of the question in Vancouver for the winter months. How depressing. Note to Merv, Nick & Richie - take advantage of the sunshine in Oz and get yourselves on the golf course!

On Sunday, Age & I went to Cypress for a day of skiing. The weather was perfect - bright blue skies and no wind. This kinda makes up for no golf!

Friday 18 January 2008

New balls please

Hope you are enjoying the sunshine back home.

On Monday, I thought that there was something wrong with my tv. But I quickly realised that my telly was working perfectly fine - in fact it was that the Australian Open canned the green Rebound Ace for a cool blue Plexicushion. The tournament doesn't feel the same anymore and feels plain weird!

I've been following the coverage on ESPN. Again it feels weird not to have Bruce McAvaney's commentary...but I'm not complaining. Then tonight, EPSN was showing the scores in Spanish. I don't know why but last time I checked they speak English and French in Canada.

Monday 14 January 2008

Stanley Park

Sun 13 Jan 2008.

The Stanley Park totem poles are the most visited tourist attraction in British Columbia. Compare this with the most visited tourist attraction in Italy - the leaning tower of Pisa which I visited in 2007. Hmm...I think I'm becoming a travel snob!

Sunday 13 January 2008

Snow Tubing

Thurs 10 Jan 2008.

We had a work Snow Tubing night at Cypress Mountain. I'd never been before so I was looking forward to it. Tubing was quite fun especially when you go in groups of three and spin down the chute like the Mad Hatter's tea party. It snowed the whole time =(. We had pizza with snow (an interesting Canadian pizza topping) at the bottom of the hill.

That's a mug shot of me on the right

Cold pizza with snow! Yum yum.

Taking the tube tow up to the top of the mountain. See the snow flakes!

P.S. I also played tennis last weekend. Thank goodness we played indoors because it was raining outside and also freezing cold! No wonder why Canada doesn't have many tennis players on the circuit...

P.S. At the post match press conference, I learnt that in Canada you can order a 'dry' cappuccino (which means more foam). So an 'extra dry' capp would mean lots of foam. I don't get why one would want to order a 'dry capp' makes no sense to me. You are just jibbing yourself!

Wednesday 2 January 2008

New Years at Whistler

29 Dec 2007 - 1 Jan 2008.

Happy New Year! I hope everyone back home survived the heat wave on New Years Eve.

I've just spent the last few days at Whistler where the temperatures were below zero! But there are some things that are worth being cold for! The skiing was second to none. We had fresh dry powder on the first day and runs that seemed to go on forever. I skiied down the Dave Murray Downhill (albeit badly), a black run which will be the Men's downhill run during the 2010 Winter Olympics - pretty cool stuff!.

We had 8 Brits and 1 Aussie in our chalet. But that's not all. There were even more Brits on the mountain, either holidaying or working at Whistler. I learnt about salopettes (a pommy word for ski pants) and bacon butties (essentially a BLT sandwich without the lettuce and the tomato).

Apres ski activities included a cooking and washing up roster (brilliant cooking chefs!), people hogging the hot tub, drinking games and almost burning the place down when we accidentally left the mulled wine on the stove all night!

Pic taken on Whistler Mountain with stunning mountains in the background.

For those of you who couldn't join us, I've posted a video to make you jealous...