Sunday 25 November 2007

Where are the Canadians?

I've finally found somewhere to live. Yay! It felt like I had been househunting for weeks, but in reality it only took 1 week. It's a one bedder downtown and I move in next weekend.

Throughout the week, I kept meeting more and more Brits. Canadians must be shy. Work was quite uneventful this week. Although I'm still trying to get my head around using Lotus notes.

People in Vancouver seem to very organised. Everyone has started their Christmas shopping and it isn't even December yet! Tomorrow, there is a Santa Claus Parade on Robson St, so I might go and check it out. Our family Kris Kringle with the relos has been organised too!

New Years is 'sorted' too (imagine me saying this with a pommy accent!). I'm going skiing at Whistler with a bunch of Brits for New Years. How's that for organisation. I heard on the grapevine that this trip was organised by the secondees before they even arrived in Canada!

I still haven't seen much of the city as yet, but have noticed that Canadians love their Starbucks. At the intersection of Thurlow & Robson St, there are 2 Starbucks diagonally opposite each other. What the!

Until next time, ciao!

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