Saturday 21 August 2010

Skiing in Oz

The closest I'll ever get to skiing down a 'Double Black Diamond' is standing next to the sign!

Sunday 10 January 2010

A round at Cape Schanck

20 Dec 2009.

Yay, it is summer in Oz! There is nothing better than hitting a few balls, although this is the hilliest course I have ever played on and walked. I was exhausted by the end. Can we hire carts next time please? hehe

The joys of catching public transport

Friday 8 Jan 2010.

I was on the 109 tram, commuting home after Friday night drinks and minding my own business. All of a sudden, there was a random asian man who decided to do chin-ups on the tram. I thought to myself, 'Mate, this is not a gym. What are you trying to prove?'. Thank goodness the dude got off the tram shortly after!

Thursday 3 December 2009

I was there...Someday

This morning while eating my cereal, I heard a song on the radio. It was a tune which sounded familiar, but I just knew there was something special about it.

I thought to myself and wondered...

I wondered whether it was the song for the video clip that I saw being filmed in New York City back in September (3 months ago).

* * *

It was another day of sightseeing and roaming the streets of NYC. I had just finished my tour of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, where I was privileged to see millions of dollars worth of gold bars stored in an extremely secure Vault. I felt like exploring the neighbouring streets of New York's financial district. I grabbed an iced coffee and a bagel from a dodgy food cart (as New Yorkers do! it is dirt cheap too!) and came across a film set on a random street in the financial district. They were filming a video clip for a song but I had no idea who it was. They seemed to spend ages filming this one scene. It was the part (of the film clip) where the main dude gets out of the yellow cab and walks down a traffic jammed street singing. They did several takes. I just stood on the side line and watched things in action.

I wondered to myself...I wonder if this is someone famous? I wonder if I will ever see the video clip on TV!

* * *

Sure enough, after some reliable research on youtube and wikipedia, I was able to confirm that the video clip I saw being filmed was 'Someday' by Rob Thomas. It made my day, that I was there - on the set of the video clip for Someday!

Thursday 13 August 2009

Here one day, gone the next

29 July 2009

Sob Sob...Can I get my bike back please? It was very kind to leave me the lock.

Friday 24 July 2009

Alaska by cruise ship

15-22 July 2009

Shannon, Jaime and I wanted a no fuss relaxing holiday. We booked ourselves on a week long cruise to Alaska.

Here are the highlights:

  • Coming back to the room after dinner to find a new towel animal on the bed (the highlight of every day!)

  • Amazing scenery - mountains, glaciers and small icebergs

  • Tea and scones for afternoon tea

  • fine dining every night (and now I need to go on a diet!)

  • Seeing whales along the way

  • Meeting some cute grandmas. One of them was a spanish granny from Barcelona who stays in hostels. Another 2 asian grannies we met at afternoon tea - I asked them how they knew each other. To my surprise, they were sisters - they didn't look alike and one had an American accent and the other had a British accent.

  • maybe not a highlight for the passenger, but we witnessed a fellow passenger being evacuated by stretcher and winched up by a helicopter after he suffered a heart attack

  • the waffle station at the breakfast buffet

and the lowlights:

  • Getting sea sick on the second formal night. The seas were a little rough that night and I just couldn't stomach any food that night. I ordered the 'surf and turf' as my main which was a beautiful piece of filet mignon with a lobster tail. I literally only had one bite.

  • Overkill on the Purrell hand sanitizer. ok ok... I know swine flu is a serious problem, but it is really that necessary to put a million Purrell hand sanitizers on the ship? We even had to sanitize our hands when boarding the ship at every port and even the Captain gave us gentle reminders to wash our hands.
We had a fabulous time and really enjoyed the 'cruise' experience. It was even better that I could walk home from the Vancouver cruise ship terminal!

A picture of me on a Summer's day in alaska wearing beanie and ski jacket. See the small icebergs in the background!

Wednesday 29 April 2009

It's not on the menu!

19 April 2009.

It's been a busy couple of weeks. We had a girls trip to Las Vegas for Easter which was a blast. Then Richie, Kaz and Bonnie were in Vancouver for a couple of days, which was followed by more Aussie visitors (Alisha, Ray, Thao and Katrina visiting from Londontown) that same week!

The londoners certainly enjoyed the abundance of good asian food in Vancouver. Their first meal in Vancouver was Yum Cha (straight from the slopes at Whistler and straight to the Chinese restaurant!) followed by some Japanese tapas at my local Izakaya. One night, we went to Sura, a Korean restaurant on Robson St. We got talking to our waiter and discovered there was a spicy rice cake dish that was not on the menu! Clearly, it is not for the white peeps! So we ordered the rice cakes and our waiter reckoned they were the best rice cakes in Vancouver. They were pretty tasty I must admit...I just had to take a picture of it.