Tuesday 22 July 2008

Square Watermelons

We all know the Japanese are crazy...however the Canadians are even crazier! Why?

On the weekend, I saw some square watermelons being sold at Urban Fare (supermarket). Yes, they are real watermelons which have been grown into a cubic shape. The catch is that each watermelon sells for CDN$100! Clearly, there are some crazy Japs out there to grow these things, and then there are crazy Canadians out there who are willing to buy a square watermelon! haha...

Sunday 13 July 2008

A day at the office

8 Jul 2008.

If only every work day was like this! What could be better than golfing on a nice sunny day during work hours?

Tuesday 1 July 2008

We're going on a bear hunt

27 June - 1 July 2008.

Summer is finally here! I've just spent the long weekend in Alberta, and the weather has been sunny and warm (i.e. 30oC).

I volunteered to do an inventory count in Edmonton, which just happened to fall just before the super long weekend. It was a perfect opportunity to see the Canadian Rockies.

I travelled through Jasper & Banff National Parks and saw mountains, lakes and even a glacier. Of all the places I visited, the Moraine Lake wins the gold medal for scenery. It beats Lake Louise by a mile!

The views were exactly like the postcards, if not better. However the highlight of the trip was seeing Canadian wildlife by the side of the road...

Here's what I ticked off the list:
  • Coyote
  • Black bears...one even crossed the road! thank goodness we were inside the car as I'm told bears can sprint pretty damn fast!
  • Bull elk & female elk
  • Deer including a little bambi! and a random deer in downtown Banff!
  • Mountain goat on a steep rocky mountain
  • Big horn sheep
  • Squirrels
Unfortunately, I didn't see any moose or grizzly bears. They must have been on vacation!

Tomorrow, I head back to Calgary to catch my flight back to Vancouver....Sadly it is back to work.