Sunday 30 March 2008

Snow in Spring

We've had some strange weather lately. We had a cold spell this week and even had snow downtown!

Also had a 'brutal' (a favourite Canadian word) week at work and did some 'super' long hours (for my standards anyway). Bonny's taxi service and the local sushi joint are now on the speed dial!

Monday 24 March 2008

Ski Bunnies

Happy Easter!

A few of us went up to Whistler for the Easter long weekend. We had 2 days of fabulous Spring skiing and 22cm of fresh powder on Easter Sunday. We even spotted the Easter Bunny on the ski slopes on Easter Sunday.

Unfortunately, Easter Monday is not a public holiday in Canada, so it's back to work for some!

Monday 17 March 2008

To be sure, to be sure

The St Patrick's Day Parade was held as part of the Celtic Festival.

Bagpipes. Check out the Bass drummer who seems to be wearing the fur of an animal with the head still attached.

Irish Dancing. Those girls must eat their bread crusts. Their hair is 'super' curly!

Monday 10 March 2008

Spring Forward

Spring is here... and so is day light savings! Yippee! We've had some warmish weather (for Canadian standards) - maximum temps of 10oC.

I did 2 new things this weekend: Curling and Rockband. Sadly, I suck at both!

Curling is basically lawn bowls on ice, with funny broomsticks! It was a fun experience and some of us managed to come home with bruises. Throwing those rocks is much harder than it looks!

After watching the Vancouver Cannucks win their (Ice) Hockey match at the pub, I went along to Diana's mates place for an x-Box Rockband Jam session. It was my first Rockband experience. I had an awesome time but my skills were only good enough for guitar and bass. All those years of classical music training did not help at all...hehehe

This was a great throw by Ryan. The rock landed right in the centre of the target.
P.S. Since my last post, I went to a wine festival and fell in love with Icewine & Moscato d'Asti. I also saw the U23D concert at the IMAX cinema. Bono rocks! It was my first time to IMAX in about 10 years!