Thursday 27 December 2007

A White Christmas

Christmas eve dinner at Auntie Margo's was awesome. I wish I was a kid again! We had a enough turkey to feed an army. There was a real Christmas Tree too. There were so many presents that they didn't fit under the tree!

Big Guy, Mel & Jennifer

This is the gingerbread house that we built. The roof collapsed later that night due to shoddy workmanship. We were too stingy with the icing!

It snowed on Christmas day! It was my first white Christmas. We had a pot luck dinner at Michael & Gerda's place with Turkey & bon bons!

Monday 24 December 2007


The famous Gastown Steam Clock. I happened to be passing by on the hour and was wondering why all these people were congregating on the street. They were waiting for the clock to strike. The steam was quite an anti-climax!

The Tower (of beer) makes a jug of beer look like a shot of beer. A lazy Sunday afternoon at the pub, watching American Football.

Wednesday 19 December 2007

The Ugg Boot - an Aussie Icon

Here's a question I'd like to pose...

Is it 'un-Australian' not to own a pair of Ugg Boots?

I'll admit that I do not own a pair. I never saw the need to own a pair, especially as it doesn't really get that cold in Oz. Ugg boots are amazingly popular in Canada. All the chicks are wearing them. I refuse to give in to peer pressure! hehehe

P.S. one other observation I'd like to make. Every chick in Vancouver has a 'Coach' handbag. Then occasionally a girl will have a matching Coach umbrella and Coach gumboots! Unbelievable.

Monday 17 December 2007

Christmas is coming!

Christmas is just around the corner! It snowed this week, but it was all washed away by the rain. We had our work Christmas party on Sat which was held at the Commodore Ballroom. I've also started shopping for ski gear in preparation for New Years at Whistler. I just shut my eyes and hand over the credit card! haha...

Here are a few pics.

Christmas Party - Mel & Sarah

Canadians truly are weird. Yet again on a Sunday...this punch buggy had toys and some Christmas Decorations.

Christmas lights at St Paul's Hospital.

Monday 10 December 2007

A big doggy bag

Sat 7 Dec 2007.

Rach (from Sydney) & I had a Canadian pub meal at The Keg. Canada doesn't have a big pub culture, it is more popular to go to Sports bar. The Ice Hockey (commonly known as 'hockey') was on. The Vancouver Canucks were playing the Penguins. There were big tv screens in every corner of The Keg. Everytime a team scored a goal, there was a loud cheer throughout the bar. Rach didn't finish her meal, so asked for it to packed away in a doggy bag. The doggy bag was so stylishly packed, I had to take a photo!

This was the view of the mountains taken from my client's office, where I was working from this week. See also the Harbour Centre with the revolving restaurant where we went for work drinks last week.

Monday 3 December 2007

A Sunday drive

This is a cracker!

What were they thinking? Toys stuck to the car and stickers on both the interior and exterior of the car. What the? Pretty funny stuff...

Sunday 2 December 2007

Snow in the city!

Pinch and a punch for the first day of the month! I woke up to find that it was snowing in Vancouver. The locals tell me it doesn't usually snow much in the city. It's beginning to feel like Christmas!

A side street in my 'hood'.

All this snow in one afternoon.

The Office

Thurs 29 Nov 2007.
We had after work drinks at the local watering hole 'Steamworks'. It was the night before CA exam results were released. The whole idea was to party all night, then check results first thing the following morning. Then the partying continued at a club called 'the cellar'. It was crazy stuff for a week night. Then to top it all off, everyone got a cab charge home. It was the firm's way of encouraging responsible driving.
Fri 30 Nov 2007.
The partying continued...bubbly was served at morning tea, followed by more after work drinks. But this time it was at the Harbour Centre revolving restaurant which had some spectacular views of Vancouver.

Wanted: Handyman

Experience assembling IKEA furniture a must.

Cordless drill not required! hahaha...

The very first piece

Wed 28 Nov 2007.

Getting the priorities right - my first piece of furniture was the TV!