Sunday 28 October 2007


A lovely dinner at Nobu Melbourne with the folks.

The food speaks for itself...

Black Cod with Miso

Tuna on chips

Scallop New Sashimi Style

Enough said. Need I say more?

P.S. please excuse the amateur photography.

Tuesday 23 October 2007

Gone Honkers!

18-22 Oct 2007.

I was on a mission. I had 4 days in HK. The purpose was to shop like crazy...oh and also eat and go out. I won't bore you with what I bought but the shopping was sensational as always.

Here are some of the highlights:

The best Brekky: Macaroni soup noodles with Beef (no chopstick skills required as you get a fork and spoon to eat those slippery little suckers!). All this time, I thought this was a dish that was invented by my grandma & mum. But this trip to HK, I learnt that it is actually a dish served in the local noodle houses for breakfast!

Met up with Longy and his mate Quin for drinks in Causeway bay. It was nice to go to a bar where locals hang out. This polaroid pic was a gift from a Halloween promotion they were doing that night. You know how Honkies love taking photos! There was a girl sitting at the table next to us. She managed to trip over twice within the space of 5 minutes (must have been a cadbury drinker!). I also learnt about the 4 types of HK girls, MK (Mongkok tri-hards), CWB (Causeway Bay hotties), Central (i.e. trophy wife types) & New Territories (farming country bumpkins). Hilarious stuff!

Mission accomplished!

P.S. I have become a total travel snob! There was no 'on-demand' inflight entertainment on the flight. Not happy, Jan!

Monday 1 October 2007

Melbourne - the place to be!

Melbourne...a place I call home!...and one of the few places in the world that serve Chicken Parmas.

I've been back for a little over a week now. It feels as though I never went away and that Melbourne has been stuck in some sort of weird time warp! Not alot has changed in 5 months. But a few things have here's a short summary:
-you now have to pay for meter parking until 7.30pm (previously 6.30pm)
-Chaddy is being extended again (although this probably started before I left)
-Nobu opened at Crown
-Bracksy resigned

Other than that, Melbourne feels like a small village compared to London.

Oh, and the weather has been quite cold, wet and miserable in Melbourne but I'll whinge about that another time!