Thursday 30 August 2007

Hiya from Old Blighty

Thurs 30 Aug 2007

Hiya from London!

After 2 weeks in Italy and 1 week in Spain, I'm back in London for a week. It was actually a nice relief to have some cool weather! Spain was so hot that after walking around for half an hour, I had to go back to the hotel for a siesta...hehehe.

Last night I cooked some bok choi for dinner. Finally...some green Chinese veggies! hahaha Eating out for 3 weeks takes it's toll. I was starting to get sick of grilled eggplants (called aubergine in the UK), zucchini (courgettes) & capsicum (peppers).

Anyways, better go and meet the oldies for lunch.


Saturday 25 August 2007

Hola from Madrid

Sat 25 Aug 2007.

Hola! Greetings from Madrid.

Little J and I Spent 2 days in Valencia, and now we are just going to cruise around Madrid.

Barcelona was a great town. It had a great vibe. The people were interesting too! The people that hang out in St Kilda and Brunswick St would fit right in with the Barcelona culture. We did a spanish cooking class where we prepared Tapas, Gazpacho (cold vegetable soup or liquid salad), Paella and Sangria.

I still haven´t got my head around the Spanish language. I can basically count from one to three and say hello, goodbye, thank you, yes and no. We´ve been doing alot of sign language especially when the menu is in spanish...haha

We have slotted in with the Spanish lifestyle. Quite often we go back to the hotel for a siesta! Lunch is at 2pm, and dinner is at 10pm.


Tuesday 21 August 2007

The Rain in Spain!

Monday 20 Aug 2007.

Hola from Barcelona!

Little J and I arrived in Barcelona yesterday (after our plane was delayed by 1 hour! I just have no luck with flying out of europe on time). It was pouring down with rain when we touched down (hence the title of this post!). The cool weather was a nice relief from the scorching heat in Itay. We are staying at the same hostel as Clara, Long & Amy (all aussies of course!). We had paella for dinner last night. It was delicious.

Today, we did a bicycle tour around the city. Luckily, the weather was nice and sunny tody. We saw the old town, Gaudi´s unfinished Church, the man made beach, part of the Olympic village, Arc de Triomphe.

Bye for now, it is time for our siesta.

Adios amigos!

Monday 20 August 2007

Ciao from Roma

Little J and I are now at the end of our tour of Italy. The highlight of Rome was seeing the Sistine Chapel. Unfortunately the Pope was on holidays. The Colosseum was quite grand as well.

We were given a great taste of Italy. I will definitely be back one day to do some things that I didn´t do this time (including eating horse! I only saw it on the menu once at a restaurant in Lake Garda).

Saturday 18 August 2007

Rome wasn't built in a day

Ciao from Roma!

I am having a great time in Italy. I am not sick of the pizza and pasta yet. There is so much to see and do in Italy. Venice is still my personal favourite. In the last few days, we have been to Naples, Pompei, Sorrento, Positano and now Rome.

The weather in Italy has been fabulously hot.

Naples really reminds me of China. It was quite a dirty and chaotic city, crazy traffic and crazy drivers, heaps of street stalls. We even went to the Chinese grocery store near our hotel to buy water. It is soo strange to hear Chinese people speaking Italian.

Today we visited the Colosseum, Spanish steps, Trevi Fountain. Tomorrow we are going to the Vatican. So much to see, so little time.


Monday 13 August 2007

Ciao from Florence

A quick 'ciao' from Florence. Little J & I are halfway through our tour of Italy. So far, we have visited Venice, Lake Garda, Cinque Terre, Pisa & Florence. Venice has been the highlight so far. I absolutely loved getting lost in the back streets with the canals running through it.

We've had some really great food so far. I haven't had a bad gelati yet! Most days it is a rotation of pizza, pasta & pannini.

Oh, the hotel in Venice was quite an experience. Apart from being bitten by mosquitoes, they actually served Chinese breakfast!...congee with all the chinese condiments, steamed man tou etc! But luckily they served a separate Italian brekky for our tour group.

Until next time, ciao!

Monday 6 August 2007

Bon Giorno from Venice

A quick Bon Giorno from Venice. Little J and I met each other at the airport (after my Ryanair flight was 3 hours delayed)! The weather is sunny and warm and the food is awesome. Finally some really Summer weather.

The funniest thing is it does not really feel like we are in Italy. The hotel we are staying at just happens to be run by Chinese. It feels like we are in China...hehehe People were yakking on in Chinese in the corridor this morning. Then you go downstairs to the restaurant and everyone is eating with Chopsticks hahahaha. Also, there is even Chinese TV channels in our rooms (in addition to the Italian tv). How hilarious is that!

Anyways, we start our tour tomorrow.


Thursday 2 August 2007

Meet Alberta

This is Alberta! bigger and better than Alberto who was tragically killed (see earlier post).

Le Mercury

Monday 30 July 2007
The gang got together on Monday at Le Mercury, a french restaurant on Upper St (near Angel, Islington). Food was awesome and so was the company.

Mel, Emily, Yin

The last Curry Wednesday

Wed 1 Aug 2007

Sorry, no pics for this post but today was my last curry Wednesday. Wednesday is curry day at the RBS canteen! It was kinda sad. I had a chicken korma curry with rice, veggie samosa and poppadum. I'm gonna miss curry Wednesdays!